GEMS Public School comes in list of Top 5 CBSE Schools in Patiala, Punjab
You will find a list of schools when you look for the top CBSE Affiliated Schools in the area. English Medium CBSE Schools in Patiala brightly among others. They are the best to offer education, holistic development and stand as a pillar of progress. They are lighting the path towards a brighter tomorrow for Patiala and beyond. As there are many schools, GEMS Public School stands out in Top 5 CBSE Schools in Patiala . It is a CBSE Affiliated educational campus that has a network of over 100 schools in over a dozen countries. The school is different from others in offering a unique approach to holistic development. Not like others are following traditional ways of teaching students. They also focus on nurturing the emotional, social and physical well-being of students. Few things that differ the school from others: Students are taught about the importance of emotional intelligence. Here, students are encouraged to develop self-awareness through special programs and activities. ...